Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Been Time Traveling, found Dirigible Days (Update No. 1)

Hm.  Seems the TARDIS dropped me off a little less than a year later.

To everyone viewing this blog: no, I am not dead, nor am I missing - well I WAS missing - but not really, I mean I wasn't necessarily lost or anything - well, hopefully you know what I mean.

That isn't important right now.

I need to make you people aware of some things that have been going on recently.

First off, in my journeys through time and space, I have come across a rather interesting group of people.  I found myself in an alternate dimension, and though I could not step outside in fear of causing some sort of paradox in space and time, I was able to track some recorded journeys of the crew from the S. S. Beatrix.  The crew consists of Captain Santiago Dunbar (known as the alter ego of James Bragado), pilot Josie Devereaux (known alternatively as Julie Wilhelm), and new-hire engineer Hooper Jefferson (his alter-persona being Jeff Gruhala).
From left to right: Strega (Lobstein), Dunbar (Bragado), Devereaux (Wilhelm) , Jefferson (Gruhala)
Also, continue reading for SPOILERS.
During the Dirigible Days of the year 997, after a terrible catastrophe involving an asteroid passing dangerously near the earth, Captain Dunbar and Miss Devereaux find themselves stranded in the city of Dali after their airship's engine malfunctions.  The Captain finds and recruits engineer Jefferson at a local tavern, but  his prosthetic hand-gun also finds him some trouble soon after when he and Jefferson end up shooting some people on the street in self defense in front of Pinkerton Cornell (Adam Goforth).
A man of the law, Cornell persuades the crew to transfer some human cargo stolen from Woe-Claw Mercenary Corps member Commodore Lincoln Keitel (Jason Orsega) and his team, delaying their original transfer of cargo to mining tycoon Omar Humbolt (G.D. Falksen).  This cargo ends up being the infamous High Priest Cthulhu cult leader Salazar Strega (Gary Lobstein). The crew find themselves in more trouble when Strega escapes from his cell on the Beatrix.
They somehow were able to broadcast these journeys throughout all dimensions, and their feed found itself on the popular website of YouTube:

"Adventure is Inescapable"
"Strange Cargo"
"Grasping at the Shadow"
"Hierophant Unbound"
"What Has Sunk May Rise"

They were also able to communicate with our world through their own website: Dirigible Days
(With the help of Day 304 Productions: Day 304)
As well as the popular Facebook website: Facebook: Dirigible Days
(They also have a new Kickstarter out for a comic book!  Isn't that exciting?!  Go contribute here: Kickstarter: Dirigible Days: 998 Comic Book)

This wonderful group of people have re-inspired me to create more Steampunk things.  If you're reading this,  in your alternate dimension somehow, thank you!  Good luck in your future journeys!

I have more announcements to make, so stay tuned!  I mean it this time.  I will not go into that blue box until my promise is kept.

Thanks for reading!